Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
2022 has been the year when Corona once again is a refreshing summer beer and a face mask something that you use when giving your windows an oil treatment.
We celebrated the return to a more normal world by introducing ”Danish Pastry Friday” in our showroom once a month, and by participating in exhibitions in Herning, Denmark, London and Cologne.
We also had the pleasure of a visit from Desen Halicinarli, who transformed the west wall of our showroom in to a piece of art, reflecting on the global goal no. 13: Climate action. It is a joy to see every day, as we come work.

We also completed an extensive renovation of our showroom so that we now have both guest toilets and kitchen. This meant that we were able to host a classical concert by the Polish quartet, Erlendis. We hope to be able to do more of this in the course of the coming year.
2022 has also been the year where we celebrated 20 years of Thors Design. It took us a while to work out the dates, but it’s true! The fact that Carsten Thor, an automation technician, became a furniture designer is due to equal amounts of coincidence and destiny. The fact that he made some pervasive sustainable choices for his production, is something he describes as common sense. We celebrated the anniversary with an informal reception attended by a lot of lovely people.
In-keeping with our DNA of reusing obsolete resources, we have also entered in to a collaboration with a local project, where the aim is to develop new upcycled products from textile waste. This new material also gives us new possibilities as regards designs and this week, we are actually adding the finishing touches to a new product, that we are really looking forward to sharing with you.
This year has also seen the launch of our new website. We chose to design the layout and content ourselves, wanting to ensure the best possible platform for our products and story, whilst creating an enjoyable user experience at the same time. It turned out to be a considerable project and we are still working on it! We really appreciate all your feedback on what is good, and just as importantly, what needs improving!
We have spent time this year renovating our newly acquired workshop in Vildbjerg. We can feel the energy crisis now, and we can see it clearly on our sales figures, so much so, that we have checked our phones daily to be sure that they are still connected. They were, and thankfully, we can see an improvement and are glad to be talking to our customers again.
It is in particular the export market that has come alive, and we have delivered furniture to many European countries and as far away as Australia.
We are really looking forward to seeing what 2023 has to offer and wish you, along your nearest and dearest, all the very best.
Thank you for taking the time to follow our journey!

Ovenfor: Fredagskringle i Det Gamle Mejeri
Th: Foodexpo i Herning Messecenter

Create a homely office environment with Resimercial Design & Thors Design
Create an office environment filled with warmth, and boost your coworkers' productivity and well-being. We help you to get started.

Transform your kitchen-dining room with a rustic plank table
Thors Design has been a first mover on sustainability. The man behind the company himself describes it as common sense.

A Collaboration With Møltrup Farm
All bulwarks that become Thors Design furniture are sawn into planks at Møltrup Saw Mill. A collaboration that both makes a difference for men on the fringes of society and enables Thors Design to place its entire production in Denmark.

Heavy, Weather Resistant Furniture for the Rooftop Terrace
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